With so many landscape supply and paver supply companies out there, you need to be careful when selecting the right company to entrust with your business. The paving supply company that you choose should be trustworthy, reliable and, above all, treat you, the customer, with respect at all times.
Choosing a landscape supply company can take a bit of research on your part, but the end result will definitely save you time and money in the long-run. Landscape design, particularly pavers and paving material, is not like outdoor furniture—you can’t just return it to the store if you’re not completely satisfied. That’s why the following tips and tricks will help you choose a landscape supply company that will work together with you to find a paving solution that fits your needs and helps create the outdoor space that is a perfect fit for your lifestyle.
Finding Reputable Landscape Supply Companies
If you’re on the hunt for a reputable supplier of pavers and landscaping supplies, then you should take into account a number of factors. Make sure your chosen company:
- Is accredited to all industry standards
- Has professionally trained staff
- Provides exceptional customer service
- Has a range of experience and expertise
- Has a sound reputation
- Offers free, transparent quotes
- Accepts all forms of payment (not just cash)
Accredited to All Industry Standards
Accreditation or membership of relevant industry bodies is always a good sign. In order to satisfy accreditation and membership requirements, companies usually have to uphold high standards of quality assurance, customer service, health and safety and professionalism. Basically, accreditation and membership are tangible evidence of third party endorsement.
Within the landscaping industry, relevant accreditation and membership include the Swimming Pool and Spa Association (SPASA) and Landscaping Victoria, both of which Premier Hydropavers® is a member.
Professionally Trained Staff
Chances are if you’re shopping for landscaping suppliers and permeable pavers, you’re probably not a paving expert. You might be an enthusiastic weekend DIY-er, or perhaps a new home-owner researching the different materials available. As such, you are likely to be relying on the expertise and product knowledge of the people working in the landscaping material supply store. You need these people to really know their stuff. You need them to understand the innovation behind permeable pavers. You need someone like the Premier Hydropavers® expert, Nicolaas van Diemen.
Nicolaas is a highly qualified, experienced segmental paving expert. In fact, Nicolaas holds a fellowship from the International Specialised Skills Institute in Permeable Paving Systems, and personally conducted testing on the Premier Hydropavers® range.
Exceptional Customer Service
When choosing a supplier for your permeable pavers, take into account the demeanour, attitude and customer service provided by their staff. The supplier that you opt for should be able to take your paving ideas to the next level. They should be able to develop your ideas into something that not only looks amazing but is also realistic, practical, and affordable. You should receive personalised, tailored customer service, delivered with a smile.
A Range of Experience and Expertise
When choosing a supplier for your permeable pavers, you should take the time to investigate their experience and expertise. This can be done by perusing their professional portfolio. These days, most paver suppliers will have websites that demonstrate all the benefits and features of their products, as well as the landscaping creations in which they have been used in the past.
It’s always a good idea to opt for a permeable paver supplier that has supplied materials for commercial, residential, and industrial spaces as they will have the broadest (and possibly the most in-depth) product knowledge.
A Sound Reputation
It’s always a good idea to take note of how long a paving company has been in business. Are they a fly-by-night, less than secure operation? Or are they a family owned and operated business that has been around for years?
Does the company have a high standing in the eyes of their previous customers? These days, with social media and the wide range of public review websites that are available, it is easy enough to check up on a potential permeable paving supplier. If you are in doubt, then simply leave them out of your shortlist.
Free, Transparent Quotes
All reputable paving suppliers will provide free quotes. If a permeable paving supplier ever asks for payment for a quote, walk away. Walk away immediately. Quotes should always be no obligation, and completely free. Our team of experts is more than happy to provide you with a free quote. Or, alternatively, you are more than welcome to visit our Cheltenham showroom for a completely free-of-charge chat.
The quote you receive should also be detailed, yet easy-to-understand. It should specify exactly what the quote covers (particularly if there is any labour involved, and not just the raw materials), and not just provide a total dollar amount. If you don’t receive detailed quotes, then it will be very difficult to compare all your quotes—you won’t know whether you’re comparing apples with apples, or apples with watermelons!
All Forms of Payment
We’ve all heard the stories of cash-only businesses. If you happen upon one of these gems in your search for a permeable paver supplier, it’s always safer to walk away. A reputable landscape supplier will always offer all the usual forms of payment, from cash and EFTPOS, right through to bank transfer.
There you have, the Premier Hydropavers® guide to choosing the best possible supplier of permeable pavers. Don’t forget; if you’d like a free quote on your permeable paving job; feel free to give our friendly experts a call.